Ash Rose Marble Slab


Rose marble is a type of natural stone that is characterized by its delicate pink and white hues, resembling the colors of a rose. It is a metamorphic rock that is formed when sedimentary rocks such as limestone or dolomite are subjected to high pressure and heat, causing them to recrystallize and transform into a new type of rock.

The pink color in rose marble is usually caused by the presence of manganese, while the white color comes from the presence of calcite. The swirling patterns and veins that are common in rose marble are formed as a result of the recrystallization process, which causes the minerals to rearrange and form new patterns.

People who suffer from stress and anxiety find it to be one of the most effective remedies to de-stress them from all the pressures at work and at home. The soft undertone tends to give a calming effect when placed near the bed area or living room sofas where people usually spend time resting, studying or simply relaxing after their day’s hard work.

It is one of our best selling slab. This hand-selected slab has unique veining and color discoloration due to its natural characteristics. The difference between it and other brands is the fact that it is hand-selected and polished by expert craftsmen in our factory, who are known for their craftsmanship.

Features of it is natural, durable and beautiful. Suitable for countertops. This marble is naturally grey and has a soft pink shade that is symmetrical at all angles. Each marble slab has its own unique look, texture and color variation.

This gorgeous slab of rose marble has a lingering, romantic color that instantly adds richness to any project. The beautiful veining adds texture and visual interest. Use this marble as a feature wall, table top or wine holder.

Rose marble is highly prized for its beauty and versatility, and it is used in a wide range of applications, including flooring, countertops, and wall cladding. It is also a popular choice for sculptures and other decorative objects.

One of the main advantages of rose marble is its durability and resistance to wear and tear. It is a hard and resistant material that is able to withstand the rigors of daily use, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Despite its durability, rose marble is a relatively soft stone and can be prone to scratching and etching. It is important to use a sealant to protect the surface of the marble and to regularly clean and polish it to maintain its luster.

Overall, rose marble is a beautiful and timeless material that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. Its unique patterns and colors make it a popular choice for homeowners and designers looking to add a touch of luxury and glamour to their homes.

Rose marble
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